Tutorial: Troubleshooting


You may come into a variety of problems and errors while using sourcemod.js. This guide tries to help with the most common ones.

Server Errors

These errors only occur on the Source server.

Exception reported: Invalid match index passed.

This is an issue with sm-websockets. Use this version I built myself that contains the fix, or just build it yourself.

Client Errors

These errors only occur on the JavaScript plugin.

Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

This error boils down to the JavaScript plugin not being able to connect to the WebSocket server. This could be for several reasons:

  • The SourceMod server isn't up
  • The SourceMod plugin isn't working
  • The port is taken by another service, or isn't port forwarded properly. (you need to port forward if you aren't accessing the WebSocket server from a LAN connection)
  • You aren't connected to the internet

Error: Timed out!

This occurs when the server doesn't send a message in 5 seconds. This likely means the connection was terminated without the client knowing, or the server was forcefully shut down.

Error: Unauthorized!

This occurs when the authentication string provided to the server was incorrect.

The authentication defaults to test, and is configured on the server via the ConVar smjs_auth.

You can authenticate like this:

const server = await new Server("ws://localhost:6969", {auth: "test"})